For information about Alzheimers Support, please click here

The Community Resource & Recreation Department provides many programs for seniors.

39ers club – meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 12-approximately 2pm.  Different activities are planned which include lunch, entertainment and bingo.  This program is for Palos Hills residents 55 years and older.  For more information, please call Sophia at 430-4500.

Horizons club – this club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month.  The group is open to seniors 60 years and older.  Enjoy bingo, dinners and other fun activities.  For more information call 430-4500.

PATSE bus – provides bus service to individuals who are either 60 years or older or physically challenged and reside within Palos Township.  The bus service runs 8:30am-1:30pm, Monday-Friday, within Palos Township.  For more information  and to register, call 708-430-3822.

For more information about recreation programs other senior services, give us a call at 708-430-4500.