Obtaining a City Business License
To operate a business in the City of Palos Hills, you will generally need a City of Palos Hills Business License. The following outlines the process to obtain a business license. Certain occupations are exempt from city licensing.
The Application. Applications for a business license may be made in person at City Hall or online.
- Obtain a Business License Application 2022-2023 and an Business Emergency Contact Form from the Office of the City Clerk.
- Complete the application and emergency form detailing your business activity, location, ownership details and other relevant information. The forms should be completed with blue or black ink.
- Return the application and emergency form to the Office of the City Clerk for processing.
- Zoning. When the applicable licenses are identified, the Building Department reviews the application and determines if the specific address is zoned for the identified business activity. The Building Department sends their approval or denial to the City Clerk.
- The License Certificate. For license types that do not require any inspections, the license certificate may be issued the same day of application, provided that the applicant is able to pay the license fee and any outstanding debts owed to the City (parking tickets, water bills). License certificates are issued by the City Clerk’s Office. Most licenses are valid for one year with the exception of one-time event licenses.
- Inspections. For licenses types requiring inspections, all requirements must be met prior to the issuance of a license certificate. The inspecting departments will be notified by the Clerk’s Office of a pending inspection for the business. For an initial inspection, the inspecting department will contact the customer directly to schedule the appointment. It is important that all inspections are conducted within a timely manner and that the customer is ready for inspection. If the premise is not ready for inspection, the inspecting department will indicate disapproval for that customer. Any subsequent inspections require the customer to contact the inspecting departments and a re-inspection fee may be assessed.