Dear Residents:
All residential streets are 20 m.p.h. Continue to be aware of children playing and not watching for cars. We continue to have calls about speeding. Remember to come to a complete stop at stop signs, and while making a right turn on red at stop lights.
School Is out: Please watch out for bike riders, skateboarders, roller bladers, joggers, and walkers. Use sidewalks when possible and please do not block sidewalks with vehicles so people can enjoy these activities.
Termites: Please inform your neighbors if you have a problem so they can check their homes.
Digging: Before digging on your property, call Julie at 1-800-892-0123 or 8-1-1.
Garbage Cans: Garbage and recycling containers can only be in the front of your home 24 hours before your scheduled day. Containers must be stored in your garage, yard. or on the side of your home.
Grass: Sometimes a neighbor will cut their front lawn but not their back yard. No lawns can exceed 8 inches. Please notify us if you have concerns and your name will remain anonymous.
Patse: This door to door service is available for medical appointments,banking, hair appointments, shopping etc. Call 430-3822 24 hours in advance for information and reservations.
Mosquitoes: Prevent mosquito problems by eliminating standing water.
Allied Waste: Some of the items which can be picked up at no additional charge are furniture, washing machines and dryers, microwaves,, lamps, mattresses, carpet rolls (cut into no more than 4 foot lengths), refrigerators, air conditioners, small freezers. passenger car tires, electronics such as televisions and computers. You must call Allied Waste for the free pick up. (708-385-8252)
Fly American Flag: Our freedom is protected by those who serve in the Armed Forces. Please consider flying the American Flag to show support and patriotism.
Sewers: Please check sewer covers by your home; sometimes these covers accumulate branches, leaves, and other debris that will slow drainage during heavy rains. .
Waterways and Ditches: No dumping in ditches because heavy rains could cause flooding. This means grass clippings, and leaves should not be blown into ditches. Lucas Ditch should never have any garbage dumped into it because of potential flooding problems.
Support Our Troops: The city collects items for our troops year round at the Community Center (8455 W. 103rd Street) A list of suggestions is there and at City Hall.
Food Pantry: If you are having a hard time medically or financially, call Beth at Savior Divine Church (598-4434) at 10040 88th Avenue for food assistance.
Curfew: Anyone 17 years of age or younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult at least 18 years old. Curfew hours are 11:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday. 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday.
Property And Mailbox Upkeep: Please check mailboxes and posts and replace or repair if necessary. Check home and property for areas that need maintenance. Driving through our city and other towns, you canʼt help but notice some properties that look amazing because they take pride in their homes, lawns and landscaping. Bushes are trimmed and lawns are kept at required heights. Higher resale prices are affected by these conditions.
Rodents: To hopefully prevent rodents, please make sure no food is left outside. Do not feed wild animals and make sure any garbage is placed In containers that will stay closed.
Robo Calls: Check with your cell and land line provider for the best way to deal with unsolicited calls.
Child Safety Seat and Bicycle Stickers: These i.d. stickers are available at the Police Dept., City Hall, and the Park Dept.
Commonwealth Edison Conservation Program: You might want to consider contacting Commonwealth Edison and enrolling in this program. They notify you during times of peak usage and if you conserve there is a savings on your bill.
Please keep informing us of any concerns and we will do our best to address them quickly.
HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOP PALOS HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second Ward Aldermen
Pauline A. Stratton |
Mark Brachman |
430-2240 ( |
710-9844 ( |