City of Palos Hills – Office of Mayor Jerry Bennett

December 28, 2020



At approximately 3:00 am on Christmas morning, the Palos Hills Police Department and North Palos Fire Protection District responded to a two alarm fire at Green Tree Condominiums.  Upon arrival, the police and fire departments began to quickly evacuate individuals from the 40 unit condominium building.  Representatives from the City of Palos Hills Public Works and Building Departments arrived on the scene shortly thereafter.  Eight units sustained severe damage, the remaining units have smoke damage.  Most of the building has structurally been saved, but the mechanical infrastructure is destroyed.


In order to assist those residents displaced by the fire, the American Red Cross was immediately contacted and provided immediate shelter and care at the Palos Hills Community Center.  The City of Palos Hills is extremely grateful to the American Red Cross for placing all families in need at local hotels and providing meals.  The city continued working with the Red Cross throughout the weekend identifying housing needs and other assistance for our residents.


The Palos Hills Police Chief and the City’s Building, Public Works, and Resource & Recreation Commissioners worked extensively on Monday with building management to safely secure the building, identify necessary building repairs and determine the types of assistance needed by displaced residents.


The City continues to work with the Red Cross and other social agencies in an attempt to identify alternative rental locations which is one of the most important needs at this time.  The City has also determined there are financial needs for some of these residents.  The City has a commitment from the Hills Kiwanis to coordinate monetary (check form) and gift card donations to those families in need.  If you would like to make a donation, you can either drop off a check (made out to the Hills Kiwanis) or gift cards to the Palos Hills Community Center, 8455 W. 103rd Street.  The Community Center will be closed during the Holidays, so please contact Mike Lebarre from the Hills Kiwanis,, and he will make arrangements to pick up your donation.


Mayor Jerry Bennett would like to thank the North Palos Fire Protection District, American Red Cross and the City Departments in their extraordinary efforts in providing an immediate response and continued support to those directly affected by this unfortunate tragedy that took place on Christmas morning.


For those Community members who have already started collecting donations, the City appreciates your charity and asks those residents who would like to help to contact Mike Lebarre at the Kiwanis Club.  The City will continue to work to help those in need.