Dear Residents,

With the holidays behind us, we would like to wish everyone a prosperous, safe, and healthy 2021.

THANK YOU: On Christmas Day, there was a fire in a multi unit building. Everyone is safe but many possessions were destroyed. Our police, community resource/parks, public works; building dept., North Palos Fire Protection District, Red Cross, local churches, neighbors, businesses, and School District 117, worked tirelessly to help, with many working through the holidays. Thanks to everyone who donated gift cards, food, clothing, etc, for residents who lost many if not all of their possessions.

VEHICLE STICKERS: No fee stickers are available at City Hall.

SCAMS: Sometimes phone calls are being made to frighten residents by people who threaten that homes will be taken by the government if money is not paid. Please check with someone who might be aware since these are usually scam calls.

SPECIAL WATCH: All residential streets have a 20 m.p.h. limit. The school zone limit is strictly enforced when children are present. Contact us if you feel the need for a special police watch because of reckless drivers.

IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS: City Hall 598-3400. Community Center and Parks 430-4500. Police 598-2992. 598-2151 after hours and 911.

SECURITY: If you park your car in the driveway, do not leave valuables in plain view and lock the doors. Keep the garage door closed even if you are in the back yard.

EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: Call the Community Center if you need assistance. Plows is available for seniors (708 -361-0219), and CEDA is helpful for any age. (708-458-2736)

PATSE: This special bus is for seniors (60 and up) and the disabled who live in Palos Township and who have doctor appointments, and other errands. Call 430-3822 to register and receive more information. Service is available Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. by appt.

IDENTITY THEFT: It is all too common to hear about identity theft problems. It can be troublesome for a long period of time. CALL POLICE IF YOU THINK THERE IS A PROBLEM.

OUTSIDE LIGHTS: No matter what time of year, consider having proper working lights. Lock windows and doors and be aware of suspicious activity. Call 911 when you have concerns. Take the time to be alert for family, neighbors, and yourselves.

YARD WASTE: Allied resumes this service in April and it will continue through the end of November.

REFUSE CONTAINERS: Garbage can be put in front for pickup 24 hours before your scheduled day. Containers may not be stored in front of your home.


SENIOR GROCERY DISCOUNT: Fair Play offers a 5% discount up to $30.00 on Thursday.

SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS: Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning include: dizziness, nausea, headache, coughing, irregular heartbeat, and pale skin with cherry red lips and ear tips. Immediately leave the house and call 911 if you suspect CO poisoning.

STOPPED SCHOOL BUSES: Never pass a stopped bus if the red stop sign is extended.

STRANGERS AND STRANGE VEHICLES: If you see anything suspicious around your home, the police dept. will not mind a call to 911. Please be aware of your surroundings.

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS: Please remember our soldiers with snacks and other sundries wile they are away from their families protecting our country. There is a wonderful list at Parks and City Hall for needed and wanted items. The Community Center has a box for any donation of snacks or other sundries.

VETERANS: If you have a V.A. health card, call Hines at 708 -202 -2707 to schedule your COVID shot. The appointment desk is open from 7:30 4:00. P.M.

Please continue to support our wonderful Palos Hills Businesses!

Thank You!


Pauline A. Stratton

Mark Brachman

 708 430-2240 (

708 710-9844 (